First things first.


I've spent a lifetime being told I'm too much, not enough, & that what was in my mind wasn't valuable outside the confines of it.

& I've spent a lifetime making sure that was a them problem, not a me problem.

You're witness to the love letter to myself that I've made my whole life.

I’m Hannah & I'm a photographer, educator, & lover of where light and shadows meet. My work is rooted in authenticity, intention, and connection—because the best moments are the ones you can explain.

I've spent my whole life bobbing, weaving, and working to find what made me feel aligned with who I always knew i was. Growing up and even into adulthood--I spent a lot of time in observation mode. as much as my mouth speaks--it thinks even more. I have always daydreamed & creating magical things in my mind. One day that turned into words on a page. my passion to tell stories and take what was in my head taking space--and giving it an outlet. The day i picked up a camera and realized i could tell those same stories in similar or drastically different ways--i knew that was it. 

As a chronic overthinker--to have the ability to shut my mind off and feel my way through a moment as to not overtake your story and mistake it for my own is one of my greatest appreciations for what i do. The goal isn't to take photos that feel real--but ones that are. The ability to take a photo and make it an emotion--regardless what emotion that is--is always the goal.

If your gallery feels like me before it feels like you i'm simply not doing my job. perspective is what I bring to the table & trust is what you bring. The power of alignment in the relationship created between you & i is so paramount. 

To do what i love & be 100% who i am all at once is a dream i never want to wake up from. 


what I'm known for

Light & 

Guilty pleasure/ hero

judge judy

Deep appreciation for


Favorite dessert

frozen pound cake


Vanilla iced chai

Dream wedding destination

Amalfi coast
